Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Email from October 24, 2011

Another week come and gone. And dang it was a good one. I am loving it right now.. So our zone set a goal for 12 baptisms for the month of October. This is a goal, that President said he expected from us and we thought about that number, and were determined to get it...
As of October 9th, which we figured most of the dates would need to be set by then, we had 1 baptism, and 4 set. We were looking at having just five for the month... Dang.. But not so fast. We started seeing a few miracles that week, but nothing to big. But this last week we had several more baptisms, 4 total for the month so far. And as a zone, the Lord has truly blessed us. We have 8 baptisms now on date for the 29th and 30th. Our zone is very very blessed. We will be having two this weekend. And other areas will be having two as well..
Therese's baptism, on Saturday, was great. Yes it took several tries to get her completely under water :) But she is a champ and just kept going until she got it.. It was a fun day. We have a baptismal date with Tamika this Saturday and she is awesome. She knows exactly what the Lord wants her to do.. Her family does not want her to do it at all. They actually told her no. We will be meeting with her on Tuesday. Keep that in your prayers!
Then on Friday, We met with a new investigator named Munsamy.... We felt like the Lord had prepared him to be baptized in the month of October. So we invited him to be baptized on October 30th. He accepted, so we taught the Word of wisdom, because he had a coffee in his hands... He poured it out immediately and said, whatever the Lord wants me to do, I will do.... We were stoked out of our minds... But come Sunday, for some reason he didn't come and his phone is shut off. So we have to delay the baptism. That was number 12 and we were kind of down about that but we knew that it would be provided with faith. So last night, The assistants call us and connect us with some Sisters.... They have been teaching someone that lives in our area and has a baptismal date for the 30th.. BACK TO TWELVE.. I know for a fact that we are being watched over.. What a blessing..
I have been able to call some of my converts and people I got close with this last couple days. I got to talk to Edith (the 86 year old convert from Willow Park ward) if you remember her. I made both of our days. She is doing so good. It was fun to get to talk to her.. She is figuring out a day to go through the temple. Either the first or second of February, and I was given two Flames (hockey) tickets for the 3rd. So It looks like we are coming back up that week! Mom you will get to experience some real cold weather. Good stuff...
So I am truly loving it up here.. I can't believe I come home in a week and a half.. To soon....
I am supposed to give you my Flight info...
I fly from Calgary to PHX on US Airways flight #248 I arrive there at 856
Then I fly to SLC on US Airways flight #457 And I arrive there at 1238...
Oh good stuff... Now just remember that is on THURSDAY NOV. 3RD.. Don't screw that one up..... :)
Welll I love you all. Have a wonderful week. And I will see you next week!


Elder T. Dastrup

Email from October 17, 2011

Well isn't this weird...Time just keeps getting less and less and less... I don't know what I think about that. As much as I can't wait to see you all, It is getting harder and harder for me to realize that I won't ever be doing what I am doing again out here.... Kind of hard to swallow.
But as for this week, our zone saw miracle after miracle after miracle. As a zone we set a goal of 12 baptisms for the month of October, which is pretty high. Even a week ago, we were projecting just 5.. This week we have set several more dates for the month, and if all goes through we are looking at 10 now. Just two more very possible miracles. And it WILL happen.It is so fun to be apart of.
We have two dates set as of right now. 1 is for this Saturday, with Therese. She will be baptized at 11. She has chosen everything for her program and seems to be good to go. Pray for her, and for us to be able to do the things necessary to help her!
The other date set is for the following Saturday, the 29th.. With Tamika. She is doing really well as well and has a very strong testimony of the Gospel. It is so fun to be apart of. It will be a good way to lead out of my mission... Being the last two weekends. I have been so blessed out here, it is amazing. I see some of the trials that the family is going through, and I still know that the Lord is watching over all of us. NOTHING will hinder his great work..
Then the last person we are working quite a bit with is Daniel, He is sweet. We have been meeting with him more and more, and truly is looking. It is neat to see the spirit work with him. I think he is enjoying it, I guess he wouldn't keep coming back if he weren't...
It is all good on the East side of Calgary..
So mom, you didn't really answer the question I had about what I should bring home, So I guess should I just decide on my own. There is a lot of stuff that is definitely worn to shreads that I won't be bringing...
I can't believe Brett gets home this week... So weird. Then I get home two weeks after that, then Nick leaves quickly after that. There is a lot going on in a short amount of time....
Well I guess, once again I have run out of things to say, I love all of you..
Shawn be strong my brotha, you will be in my Prayers!


Elder T. Dastrup

Email from October 11, 2011

Hey everybody, sorry this email was so late.
Yesterday was Canadian thanksgiving so everything was closed. And today we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. We are so busy and barely even found time to come email. Luckily we found some.
Our week has been great. We set two baptismal dates! One for the 22nd. Her name is Therese. She is solid. She accepts everything and understands the gospel of Jesus Christ so well.
The other, we just came from the lesson actually, is Tamika. She is awesome as well. She has lots of trials, but is facing them straight on, we have helped her recognize how important it is to be baptized now rather than wait, she has started to recognize that. It is fun to watch.
Well, i really have no time at all.
but I do have a couple questions..
Mom, can you get a dentist appointment set up for me the week after I get home.?
What time is our ward, so I can tell some friends that want to come?
And as well, it is about time for me to pack, mom do you have a preference of what I bring home, or leave here? I just want to weed out the things I don't want, but I don't know what you want?
Well I have to send a bunch of pictures to the assistants, for our farewell Fireside. So I love you all and miss you. I will write you more next week!


Elder T. Dastrup

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Email from October 3, 2011

Well it is a wonderful day here in Canada...
Only because I am 21. Other than that it is a pretty regular p-day..
My whole mission I have thought, when I have my 21st birthday, I am basically done with my mission... Ummm I don't quite feel like that anymore. I still feel like I have a while left. I think I will feel like that until I am actually home though, so no worries. I am just going to love what I am doing now. No worries in the world! (Except trying to get our investigators to church....)
Life is good in Canada though. We had a wonderful week will finding new investigators, which was our goal of the week, and having some really good lessons! Nobody accepted the invitation to be baptized. But almost everybody we are teaching is right there and ready. Just a few more spiritual experiences and chances to read the Book of Mormon and all is well.
Elder Stephan wanted to go knock on a door this week and so we were walking there, and we street contacted a lady from Burma, By China I think, and she invited us back to teach her family that night. They have three children and two of baptizing age. There is definitely a language barrier, but we will break it and the family will be baptized!
We also taught some amazing individuals. Daniel being one of them. He is the man. He came to conference this weekend and enjoyed what was said. I really like teaching him. He takes in everything we say, and really wants to know if it is true.. He continues wanting to meet with us to learn more. We are inviting him to be baptized on the 22nd and know he can be ready for that day. He would be a really good solid member. I enjoy teaching him...
This week we started teaching a lady named Theresa. She is from central Africa. Speaks Swahili? But we have taught her twice so far and she came to conference as well. We are making a lot of progress with all these individuals..
Oh yeah, and Tamika. She is sweet. She basically already has a testimony and is just trying to help her mom meet with us. She is sweet as well!
We have such amazing investigators everywhere. All of them are so close. Just need to get over the hump... Then it is all down hill from there unto their eternal happiness!
Wasn't conference amazing? I went with three solid questions... And all three questions, were said back to me word for word by several different apostles, then answered by them. It was so sweet. I love seeking and receiving revelation.. It has got to be the coolest things about being a missionary... Receiving revelation.
I love it... Being a missionary is great. No better work.
Mom and Dad I got your package.. Thank you so much. I love you both. The popcorn is amazing. I got one of my companions hooked on it.. Now hopefully I just don't lose the gift card. That would be bad news...
So Holly, you mentioned me coming down to St. George pretty soon after I get home. I wouldn't mind that at all. I want to see the boys play some ball, whether it is basketball or football. And I can visit some friends from the mission! But Real quick so I can write drew back, what is your address again, I think I have it, but just incase.....
Mom, I know it is still over a month away, but can you see what my topic for my homecoming will be.. I like having a bit of notice so I can think about it, and come up with some good experiences.... Thanks!
Well we are going to do lots of running around today for my birthday then go to dennies, cause they give free meals on birthday... So I am going to take advantage of that.. Well
I am going to get, I love all of you. Miss you. Have a wonderful week, and more importantly day, just cause since I can't celebrate it, you all can!

Elder T. Dastrup

Email from September 26, 2011

Yo what up!
First of all, Happy birthday Holly! I hope you had a wonderful week.. You deserve it. Then this next week better be good, cause I better deserve it, my last birthday on the mission!
So it sounds like everyone had a pretty good week. Mom, you got to find out which General Authorities are coming to our stake conference. That is so cool you are in charge of the food. Don't give them food poisoning! :) No pressure though... hahah
This week for me was very bitter-sweet. Very bitter at moments and very Sweet at moments... Got to love the mission eh?
Start with the bad. They four baptismal dates we had for this upcoming weekend (October 1st) all dropped. Shawn and Nicole had a bunch of things fall right at the wrong time. They are going through a tough time. We are praying for them and hoping that all will end well. I have loved going over and teaching them. Shawn has been amazing at recognizing the spirit. We have a good connection with them. It is really neat to have and see the gospel work in their lives.
Dusty, had a trial come up. Tithing. The circumstances that came up are very difficult. He only gets money from the govt. That is it. The program he is on, he actually isn't even allowed to pay tithing. We didn't know about that until after the lesson. So we are going to try and get him going again for this Saturday. We will see what happens. Keep them all in your prayers.
So this week I may have made the newspaper, and for sure I made the article on the Internet. Find where they do the "Calgary Sun" News on the Internet and you might find me..
We helped out a ton with a Food Drive on Saturday and the newspaper was taking pictures and I am in one of them.. You will have to go find me on the Internet! hahah except it says nothing about my name, just the other missionary, but I am definitely in the picture!
Me and my new companions are doing great. Elder Hawkins and Elder Stephon. Elder Hawkins is from Ogden and I think I have played against him in basketball in a summer league (of course we beat them though) hahah and Elder Stephon is the brand new missionary from Alpine. So he went to Lone Peak. He knew Travis VanLeuwan ( I don't know how to spell that at all) pretty well. So it is always fun trying to figure out who we both know. We know quite a few of the same people, just mostly people from Alpine though.. Us two get along really good.But I am just going to make a really strong effort to include both and never get annoyed! haha Because that would not be a good way to finish.. It is interesting having a companion that is brand new just as I am about to finish up. It really helps me not talk about home because it would make him a lot more home sick. I don't want that to happen. So I just won't think about going home!
That will be easier.
Oh yeah, I forgot what I was going to say about the SWEET part about this week. Fil's baptism!!!!!!! It was so good. It happened last night. Their wedding was on Saturday and that was great as well. Elder Newman, Elder Langi (My last two comps.) and me sang at it... I know that you are all laughing right now, but it actually went pretty good. It was definitely really good. I was so stoked the whole night.. Last night, I was able to just sit and think about how much I love it out here. So many cool things happen. The spirit just overwhelms at baptisms. You HAVE to love it!
Elder Newman's parents are coming up today, so him, his parents, Elder Langi and I are going to go teach one more lesson together at Fil's house tonight. It is going to be awesome. Definitely going to love it.
Well I am out of things to say, but I love you all. and Miss you.

Elder T. Dastrup

Email from September 20, 2011

Wow, another week come and gone... Crazy.
So it is transfers this week, and something definitely interesting happened. So last Thursday I got a call from the assistants to the president finding out that I was going to be training. I was excited, yet confused. They don't ever have zone leaders training so I thought that I was going to be transferred for my last one. I came into email this morning and found out that I am staying here for my last transfer and me and another zone leader (Elder Hawkins) will be training a new missionary together. Definitely was not expected. But the lord does was he wants and we do what he tells us. So I will finish my missionary work on a 3-leg. Always interesting eh? good stuff...
So for this transfer being a very difficult one, it sure finished on a great note. We had a sweet week. We set 4 more baptismal dates for October 1st. So now, we have one this next Sunday with Fil.. He is the man. It has been so fun teaching him and his soon to be wife (Saturday is the wedding) It has been really fun. I have enjoyed it.
Then Shawn and Nicole and Liona have a date for the 1st of October. It has been so awesome going over and teaching them. i have loved it. They are really coming around and love having us over. They recognize the gospel and how good they feel when we are over.... It is good stuff..
Then Dusty is the other one on the first. He came to church this week and really recognizes the importance of the gospel.
Gotta love the missionary work. It is so sweet. Weird that I am finishing up soon. But I still have a few weeks before I need to worry about that..
But according to Shawn's email I am already the RM... haha not quite though. My comp right now is Elder Newman.. His parents are coming up this week so obviously it has been hard for him to focus. I just hope I don't dwell on it to much this transfer... I am going to try and keep it a secret from my new missionary how long I have been out. I don't know how long I will be able to hide it. But I am going to try....
Oh by the way, Rachel I got your package.. THANK YOU. as of right now I am not receiving much mail haha. But it was good to get that. So none of you forget. My birthday is in a couple of weeks. Keep that in mind eh? That would be much enjoyed by me! hahah
So for my last transfer I have made it a goal to take the Christ like attributes from preach my gospel... There is enough for about one each week.. and study that one in depth. This week I chose FAITH.. I have been doing it for two days and I have learned so much. I love it. I am going to try and apply each attribute a lot stronger that week..
So I don't want to bring this up... But BYU got killed. what the heck.. That was the saddest thing I have ever heard of.. I can say one thing, I am just glad I didn't have to watch it.
Well I love you all. I will talk to you next week...
Again my b-day is in 2 weeks :)

Elder T. Dastrup

Email from September 12, 2011

Yo Family
Another Week come and gone. Too bad in this one the Cougs had a loss. Both my companion and I are big BYU fans, so people let us know. It sounds like they had a pretty frustrating loss. Lame... But my companions time is winding down fast. He has just a little over a week left. I am lucky to not have had any companions be in there last transfer while I was serving with them. This is my first... And I am glad it is my last. It makes me think about going home way to much, And I really don't want that. I am doing my best though. I will be glad to move on to next transfer. We will just leave it at that.
It is good to hear that Bishops son is doing so well. Prayers bring miracles. We see that as missionaries time after time after time... It is one of the greatest parts about being a missionary. Seeing people get answers to their prayers. If not them, it sure builds my testimony. Because without fail, every single prayer is answered..
For example ( I actually just thought of this). This week, I started out the week (Sept. 5th) asking That we would be able to see some body have a baptismal date by the end of the week.. We worked hard all week, but I kind of forgot what I had asked for... Sunday night came and we hadn't set a date with anybody. Still hadn't thought of the prayer I started the week out with. At 10:25 I was laying in bed and we got a call from the Assistants to the president... They had somebody on the phone ready to talk to us.. The sisters in another part of the city had asked us if we had been praying... I immediately thought of the prayer I said at the beginning of the week... They had taught somebody that day, and he accepted a baptismal date for October 1st.... And he lives in our area. The Lord Definitely answers prayers. I definitely should have thought about it more thoroughly through out the week, but the Lord knew that we did our best this week and he rewarded us!
So we now have baptisms two weeks in a row. The 25th, With Fil.. and the 1st with a man named Dusty. But we haven't met him yet.
Fil is so awesome. Him and his wife are so neat. We have a really good time going over and teaching them. The other day we actually had Vietnamese sub sandwiches at their house. Who would have known those were any good? Well they are. We even went the next day for lunch. Good stuff. We should be doing Family home evening with them tonight. That will be fun.
It sounds like the Atwoods will be at the house tomorrow. That is exciting. I love the Atwoods. They are one of my favorite families since I have been out. Their son Brady will be a baller missionary. He came out with us to lessons every once in a while and he did a great job. He always gives himself a hard time, but he will do really good.. Brother Atwood was our Branch mission leader. And he backed us up big time. He was a really good help in that branch. There was lots of leadership that wasn't behind the mission programs that we have, but Bro. Atwood stuck with us. Sister Atwood had to put up with us coming over all the time to have Lunch and Dinner haha. Whoops! But they are all great. I am excited for you to meet them.
As far as what ward I will go to when I get home. Well I may go to our home ward for the first two weeks (Fast sunday and My homecoming talk) but then I will probably go to the YSA ward (Young single adult) But that is still plenty of time until I get there. I still have a full transfer ahead of me so no worries.
The last couple weeks have been a bit rough, but I really believe this area is about to take off again. There is too much potential for it not to take off.. I am excited to see what will happen!
So last night we had a new member fireside and it was on testimony... There was a portion on actually giving testimonies.. And I realized how important Testimony really is. That short declaration of what you know to be true leads us to do everything we do in the church. Of course there was some that included LONG stories that didn't apply. But a testimony can be 20 seconds and one of the strongest...
I finished the Book of Mormon the other day, and it was fun to be able to take moroni's promise once again. Every single time, prayers are answered. It is fun to be able to do so. If you are not, I suggest you read the Book of mormon every single day. It makes a difference in our every day lives. I love it.
Well I have once again run out of things to talk about, but I love all of you. And miss you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and hope that you all pray for me!

Elder T. Dastrup